Reverse Advent Calendar

Seasons Greetings from the Missions & Outreach Committee,  

This year we have two missions for you to choose from to mark this holiday season. In anticipation of the birth of our Savior, we will be collecting food every day throughout Advent with a "Reverse Advent Calendar" which will be printed and placed in the Narthex and is also included below in this e-mail. Typical Advent calendars are filled with candy and you open one each day but our "Reverse Advent calendar" allows you to donate or give something back instead!  Understanding that all of those items add up quickly from a time and/or budget standpoint.

As an alternative for this Christmas season, we ask that you participate in “Operation Christmas Box” by filling in a shoebox with simple children’s gifts/toys and a letter to the child wishing them a Merry Christmas. 

As always, thank you for your continued support and generosity for those in need.  

~HUMC Missions & Outreach Committee


Souper Bowl


Trunk or Treat